Feb 21, 16 · Get intitiate clarke out of jail?Nov 12, 15 · Start with KnightSergeant Gavil Gavil has little patience for this issue, and while that might peg him as a likely suspect, he is at least helpful enough toJan 17, 16 · Next, find Initiate Clarke and talk to him Next, talk to Lucia in the same area Ask her about the logistics and you can aske her about Clarke with two Charisma speech checks If you passed this, she'll ask you to shadow Clarke Otherwise, you have to check Lucia's logs in the crew quarters of the Prydwen
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Fallout 4 initiate clarke hostile
Fallout 4 initiate clarke hostile-He sighed "The way I see it, you have two choices, Initiate Clarke You can either plead guilty and I'll exile you from the Brotherhood and you won't be able to return or join other Chapters Or" Clarke listened, while Maxson returned the holotag inside his battle coat's pocket "You finally take responsibility for your actionsNov 14, 15 · Fallout 4 Brotherhood of Steel faction will not only offer you many side quests, but there are Misc and Radiant activities you can do for the group Question Knight Lucia and Initiate Clarke

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Your first step should be going to Boston airport and talking to knightsergeant Gavil You will have to walk a while with him to a secluded location where you two will have a talk He will not give you any information, he will only tell you to talk with LuciaInitiate clark is in jail at the cambridge police station, anyway i can ger him out without console commands?But when i shadow him and enter the basement area or whatever it instantly tells me to kill initiate clarke I've tried not killing any of the ghouls, and even using console commands to reset his ai or stop his combat;
15 Best Settlements In Fallout 4, Ranked 1 Spectacle Island Easily the best settlement in the game is this massive private island 2 The Castle As the empire of settlements expands, it's only fitting the player should live in a castle 3 Abernathy FarmInitiate Clarke's holotag is a junk item in Fallout 4He is the mad lad that make the legendary Fallout 3 Kill Everything which is hilarious And famously playing through Fallout 3 and New Vegas with just 1 life with no healing what so ever, only use true health counter I have high doubt that he can do it in Fallout 4 considering radiation is a huge problem, but hey, he prove me wrong before
How I found Initiate Clarke without ever needing the Airport Employee ID Keycard Hope you enjoyed If you enjoyed the video, leave a like and comment down bKnight Sergeant Gavil is the first contact and they will brusquely deny any accusations and direct the Sole Survivor to Knight Lucia and Initiate Clarke, since none of the other people in the department should be disturbed, also as the newest additions they are the most likely suspects The Sole Survivor now has multiple optionsSpeak to Gavil on where to start and he'll mention Knight Lucia and Initiate Clarke Clarke should be standing in or near a cage with three generators nearby (Look for a Fusion Core in the middle generator while you're here)

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The Ammunition Plant itself is found by entering the Workbench view in Fallout 4 Navigate to Power > Manufacturing > Machinery, and then scroll until you see the Ammunition Plant You will need to unlock the Gun Nut Rank 1 and Science Rank 1 perks in order to build itInitiate Clarkes log is a holotape in Fallout 4 1 Location 2 Transcript 21 Trip 7 22 Trip 8 23 Trip 9 3 Related quests On Initiate Clarke's person during and after he is within the Boston Airport ruins overlooking the ferals Duty or DishonorDuty or Dishonor is a Quest in Fallout 4 Duty or Dishonor Information Objectives Speak to LancerCaptain Kells;

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1 point · 4 years ago Confirming that it had nothing to do with Danse, and everything to do with my power armor having the mod on my helmet Immediately, when I'd follow Clarke through the door, the quest would change from Find Initiate Clarke to Kill Initiate Clarke (with or without Danse)Speak to KnightSergeant Gavil;Inititate Clarke's log is a holotape in Fallout 4 1 Location 2 Transcript 21 Trip 7 22 Trip 8 23 Trip 9 3 Related quest 4 Notes Found on Initiate Clarke if he is killed Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink Initiate Clarke Personal Log Welcome, Clarke Please select an entry Trip 7

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225 votes, 21 comments 369k members in the fo4 community The Fallout 4 Subreddit Talk about quests, gameplay mechanics, perks, story, charactersInitiates are junior members in the Brotherhood of Steel1 1 Overview 11 Squire 12 Initiate 13 Senior initiate 2 Notable members 3 See also 4 References Initiates are the lowest ranking members of the Brotherhood Anyone recruited into the Brotherhood of Steel starts at the rank of initiate, and is mentored by a higherranking sponsor,2 while children born into the BrotherhoodHe sighed "The way I see it, you have two choices, Initiate Clarke You can either plead guilty and I'll exile you from the Brotherhood and you won't be able to return or join other Chapters Or" Clarke listened, while Maxson returned the holotag inside his battle coat's pocket "You finally take responsibility for your actions

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Read Knight Lucia's LogNov 13, 15 · Originally posted by Darkflashz You need high charisma and if you are a female character and have black widdow you get a higher chance to convice him to report himself NO the problem is i cant get him to even talk to me, let alone have a go at persuasion, whenever i go into the room he attacks me #3For Fallout 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Should I kill Clarke?"

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Initiate Clarke Video Game Fallout 4 Franchise Fallout Initiate Clarke VOICE Christopher Crutchfield Walker Comments Add a Comment Why Is This One Of Your Favorites?Fallout 4 All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews On the other hand, we have the Duty or Dishonor Brotherhood quest, in which Initiate Clarke steals food to feed the ferals, they eat the food, they fight over the food, and they get violent when they can't access the food,Mar 18, 21 · The card is obtainable from Initiate Clarke in the Boston Airport ruins during the mission Duty or Dishonor, either from looting his corpse, pickpocketing it, or having it given to the Sole Survivor upon speaking with him and ending the conversation peacefully Another copy can be found on a desk near Initiate Clarke

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Im on xbox one good question someone has to have the key i wiped out the brotherhood and didn't find itJun 27, · This page contains PC console commands that can be used in Fallout 4 Note These commands apply only to the PC version of the game – PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game cannot access the develop console commands How to Activate Fallout 4 Console Commands To activate Fallout 4's ingame console, simply press the tilde key on the keyboard,Jan 18, 19 · This mod is optedin to receive Donation Points Read Description As is says Drag and drop json file to Presets file located in Data\F4SE\Plugins\F4EE\Presets or wherever you presets are saved Any problems let me know ### This is my first mod Depending on some success I may upload other character presets along with my own character

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Share your reason with the rest of the community My Reason Characters left 140Nov 13, 15 · Fallout 4 All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Clarke has like super perception, even for a moment he senses you, hell go back Hes destination is not the plane Best advice is as soon as you hear him saying he is off for the day, run to that plane and hide in the cockpitBackground Initiate Clarke joined the Brotherhood of Steel roughly the same time as Knight Lucia The two were part of the Brotherhood for at least two years before 2287 and were friends However, shortly after the battle to take over the Boston Airport, Clarke started to become more reclusive and distant and started to adopt strange habits, such as searching through Lucia's

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Aug 24, 17 · Adventure Humor Fallout Sole Survivor Rwby Fallout 4 The Sole Survivor has been through a lot in the Commonwealth But he persevered and made peace between the major factions of the Commonwealth But not everyone is happy as an Institute scientist sabotaged the portal and sent him to a far away placeNothing works and he just attacks me no matter what I've reloaded a bunch of times and its the same every timeFallout 4 Freeing Initiate Clarke from Cambridge Police Station is a nice touch TheBates 5 years ago #1 You know, the dude who was feeding the Feral Ghouls because they reminded him of

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Jun 30, 16 · Initiate Clarke posted in Fallout 4 Spoilers I have long since destroyed the Prydwen and cleared out Cambridge Police Station but Initiate Clarke is still in his cell I have unlocked it but he wont leave He is not hostile and I dont want to kill him so is there any way I can use a mod or console command to send him to one of my settlements as an ordinary settler ?Rylan is a character in Fallout 4 1 Background 2 Interactions with the player character 21 Interactions overview 3 Inventory 4 Appearances Knight Rylan works the logistics base at the Boston Airport However, after he started to suspect Initiate Clarke of misappropriating Brotherhood supplies, he disappeared Now, he can be found dead in the Boston Airport Ruins Rylan appears only in Fallout 4Clarke joined the Brotherhood in 2285, together with his friend, Lucia While she has already

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Language English Series ← Previous Work Part 4 of the Daughter of Steel series Next Work → Stats Published Words 2424Paladin Danse (Fallout) LancerCaptain Kells (Fallout) Knight Lucia (Fallout) Initiate Clarke (Fallout) KnightSergeant Gavil (Fallout) Additional s Hailey likes cosplay;Find below a list of all Fallout 4 Note and Holodisk IDsNotes and Holodisks are useful items that provide further information about objects, items, locations, etc Type the cheat code or name of an item into the search box to instantly filter 519 IDsFor help spawning items using these ID codes, please see our spawn item help page Item codes from DLCs start with a different code called a

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Mar 31, 19 · IGN's complete Fallout 4 Wiki Guide and Walkthrough will lead you through every Quest, Location, and Secret in Bethesda's newest postapocalyptic adventure on PC, PS4, and Xbox One See the listInitiate Clarke won't go anywhere Please help!Brotherhood of steel side mission finding intiate clarkFALLOUT 4https//storeplaystationcom/#!/engb/tid=CUSA_00

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Shadow Initiate Clarke quest in Fallout 42 Question Initiate Clarke I should begin my investigation into the missing supplies by questioning the soldiers who work in the supply depot 3 Question Knight Lucia 4 Shadow Initiate Clarke While investigating the missing supplies, I learned that Initiate ClarkeThe Fallout 4 Subreddit Talk about quests, gameplay mechanics, perks, story, characters, and more 380k Members 14k Online Created Apr 28, 12 Join Top posts february 11th 16 Top posts of february, 16 Top posts 16

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Speak to KnightSergeant Gavil;Nov 18, 15 · So I know you can talk to initiate clarke;Nov 10, 15 · Fallout 4 All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews The elevator is the exit, you get the keycard once you talk to clarke There is a door down the hallway to the right of the elevators you can

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